Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Most Popular Font Types

Here is a list of the most common font types used from a survey conducted from January 2003 to August 2007.

Font type is a personal choice. Some like the generic Times New Roman, others the modern look of Lucinda Console, or the scripted style of Monotype Corsiva.

The font sets the style of the website. More decorative or artist sites might choose more curvy scripts, while those more business oriented can opt for the sleeker Arial or Georgia.

Some legibility concerns arise with some of the scripted fonts, and those with pronounced bolds.

Some fonts are just not appropriate for long texts, and might work better as labels.

And, if following the advice of the previous post, longer texts are better in dark script against light background.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Background Colors

One of the most difficult decisions to make with a website is the background. Text is usually best read when on a contrasting background. But, usually, it is much easier on the eyes if the background is light, and the text is dark. Even different colors are easier to read if the background is lighter.

Think about it, most of the time we're looking at things in daylight - a light background. At night, a dark background, even with as many lights as we shine on things, it is still more difficult to see our way around things than during the day.

See what you think (and see) by clicking on different background options at this very ingenious link!

Friday, August 17, 2007


Welcome to Kidist Designs' Blog. Here, I will periodically post material on website design, the latest news about websites, what's going on with blogging, and any other information that might help you in designing the best possible website.

Keep checking!